I started this blog at 6.30 am today thinking I would actually get it finished before the pitter patter of little feet demanded my attention, hence the title - good one, it's now after 8pm. 'All day blogger'? 'Sunday night blogger'? 'The frustrated blogger!'
Anyway, above is a gardening apron which I was very proud of, it is sporting an enormous flower brooch and being modelled by Hubby Cuggles' golf clubs. This was my gift to give at the Bloggette Party a couple of weeks ago. (Yes only blogging it now, naughty Mummy). I loved how it came together and was a bit sad to give it away... until Bec who received it wrote a blog about how much she loved it too. Good on you Bec, you're very welcome.
There has been lots of other things happening which I could have blogged in the last week or 2, no photos of course. I think I'll make a New Year's resolution to be a better blogger, I need to schedule myself for a regular time to make it happen and I need to carry the camera with me everywhere.... and remember to use it of course.
I will just mention that I delivered my best work yet to the shop on Friday, 'Little Chef' Aprons and matching 'Little Chef' hats - Aprons are either crisp white with soft pink/white polka dot pocket or vice versa and the hats have the soft pink/white polka dot band with crisp white tops. The aprons are lined in crisp white. Of course aprons and chef hats are my thing but these are particularly good if I do say so. One set sold as I was hanging them up! I will take some pics on Tuesday while manning the shop.
Now, where is that Hubby Cuggles with my cuppsy!?